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MCMJIF Bylaws - Meetings and Rules of Order

Page 6 of 7: Meetings and Rules of Order


A. Annual Organization Meeting - On or before January 10th of each year, the commissioners shall meet to elect officers and the executive committee, if any, appoint officials and conduct such other business as is necessary. The time and place for the meeting shall be established by the Chairperson, and the secretary shall send written notice to the administrators and or clerks of members at least two weeks in advance.

B. Monthly Business Meetings - The commissioners (or executive committee) shall establish a schedule of monthly meetings to conduct business of the Fund. All commissioners may attend open or closed sessions of the executive committee.

C. Special Meetings - The Chairperson, or three (3) commissioners may call a special meeting by notifying the secretary at least three (3) days in advance. The secretary shall notify the commissioners (or members of the executive committee if such committee is established) by telephone. If the secretary is unable to reach a member seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting, the secretary shall notify the commissioners or executive committee by mailgram.


A. All meetings of the Fund shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Open Public Meetings Act.

B. Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws or in the laws or regulations of the State of New Jersey, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings.

C. A quorum shall be a majority of the commissioners or the executive committee, as the case may be. At least a majority vote of commissioners or executive committee if established shall be required to make any action effective. A greater number shall be required if mandated by statute or regulations promulgated by the State Department.

D. If a commissioner or member of the executive committee, or their alternate, cannot attend a meeting, the commissioner or member of the executive committee may designate in writing a substitute to attend the meeting and participate in the discussion but such substitute shall have no authority to vote and shall not be counted in determining a quorum.


A. Any member may propose an amendment to the Bylaws by filing the proposed amendment in writing with the Secretary.

B. Upon receipt of a proposed amendment, the secretary shall notify the Chairperson who shall schedule a hearing to be held not more than forty-five (45) days from the date the amendment was filed. The secretary shall notify in writing all commissioners of the hearing date and shall send all commissioners a copy of the proposed amendment.

C. The amendment is adopted by the Fund when the governing bodies of three-fourths (3/4ths) of the member municipalities approve by resolution the amendment within six (6) months of the hearing on the amendment. In the event section N.J.S.A. 40A:10-43 is amended, the procedure and vote required by said statute, as amended, shall control. If after six (6) months the secretary has not received written notice of approval from each member, the secretary shall notify the members that time has expired for the adoption of the amendment.

D. If adopted, the amendment shall not take effect until approved by the Commissioner of the Department and the Department of Community Affairs as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:10-43.

E. A member of the Fund that did not approve any amendment to the Fund bylaws approved pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:10-43, and desiring to withdraw from the Fund pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:10-43(e), shall provide written notice of intent to withdraw ninety (90) days prior to its withdrawal. The Fund will immediately notify the Department and the Department of Community Affairs of all members that have given notice of withdrawal.


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